So i'm a big fan of using my phone to record things throughout the day. Thoughts, ideas, directions, groceries--anything a person might need to recall. Unfortunately, my phone's Notepad feature has a 100-character (including spaces) limit on my notes, so sometimes I have to sprawl things out over multiple notes. It's about time to clean out some of my old ones, as they've been building up, but I thought i'd copy out a survey of my notes so you can get an idea about my life. So here is the list of notes currently saved in my phone, with comments if i feel like it:
1) "rocky top" clog-- passion in work, in hobby, fam. Funerals are cultural reminders. ~ From Aunt Lesley's funeral. "Rocky Top" was the song they played at the end; I was struck by the balance the funeral showed of her passion in every part of her life. Finally, the purpose funerals serve is that of cultural reminders of what is important, what is honorable, what is worthy of striving for in life, as well as providing a space for mourning.
2) How would you describe yourself to someone else? ~ One of those survey questions that are enlightening to actually try and answer. Sometimes I sit down and ponder this, even though I never quite answer it.
monitoring plumes
federal support for water testing?
Voice of sd
4) ((combination for a lock somewhere))
5) Audubon trips July 17, 8 o clock. July 24 hurricane ridge trip.
6) Pablo Almodovar; director; "talk to her", "women on the verge of a nervous breakdown" ~ Ester's extended family recommended this director--i've not yet looked him up, but supposedly he's really sweet.
7) ((address for someone i tutored)
8) People are like events. Some people come and go and change things. I am event too. Diff levels of depth. ~ There are people who have gone from my life who I will never connect with again, yet still they have had a lasting impact that still instructs the way my life is lived. Juliet Hansen is probably my biggest example of this. We haven't spoken in ages, but for a time she was a big influence on my life. I should look her up again... but it would never be anything like what it was. Our friendship at that time affected me in a particular way, and I am glad for it. Kinda like this.
9) Swallow black with white underside circle around tail. ~ It was probably a violet-green on a cloudy day. I'll never be sure though...
10) Mexican cheese, onions, brn sugar
2 cucumbers
beets, walnuts, broth
11) What are the things that key me into the spirit? What quenches the spirit? Not what else do I need,
12) Ciao database. All international affairs and stuff. ~ I have no idea.
13) Whimbrel.
14) This service i render is not my own. It is a gift from my family, and to it, and to she whom we honor.
15) Black-headed grosbeak. Towhee? ~ That's the spotted towhee I was looking at. I've since seen a black-headed grosbeak and now I can tell the difference.
16) Towels, pictures, map, Tupperware. Mug, plant, tea ~ Things needed for a happy office.
17) By confronting our sins against others, we are forced to encounter our sins against God. ~ Pastor Steve, sermon on Jacob wrestling God. Really tied it together in a cool way.
18) When jacob encounters his brother, he is really [also] confronting himself--and God. by confronting our sins against others... ~ see above.
19) luggage, laptop case, jacket, science shoes ~ stuff to buy for Washington!
20) What is the gospel for individuals? What did the disciples preach before christ's death? The Kingdom of God is near. ~ epic sermon I listened to when I went to a Naz church in Chicago. The sermon's final climax and denouement were kind of bland, but the central question was fascinating-- "What was the gospel the disciples preached before Jesus died for our sins?" We will be talking about this here some day, because this question is one that never occurred to me before this sermon, and ever since comes up in my thinking about what is the gospel and what does it mean.
21) God brings about moral change--love, joy, peace. If you already have these, faith brings you there for others. ~ And into his service, as part of God's work in bringing about the fruits of the spirit in others. I always wonder when people list the fruits of the spirit and then say you can only get them if you're a Christian. But that's just not true--some people of other or no faith are loving, joyful, peaceful, etc. What does the gospel have to offer them? Perhaps a chance to take part in the work God's doing to bring about these fruits in others. This note comes from another sermon, one just last sunday or so, but building in some ways off of #20.
22) Spiritual dev, physical exercise, career/development, personal reading, educational videos, news. ~ Things to do when bored.
23) The _only_ thing the church ultimately has uniquely is the truth of faith--can't prove it, not only comfort. ~ While faith can comfort you, it's not the only thing. While faith can give life meaning, it's not the only one. The only thing the church uniquely offers is its message, which in faith we hold to be true. But all the benefits of a life of faith can be attained in other ways. If someone doesn't need these, we don't need to offer those things to him or her. At that point, we have only faith and our understanding of the world, which we can share and they can believe or not. But you can't prove it, not by personal experience nor by historical evidence. It is faith alone. Which I think is ok.
24) The exodus was the defining idea for the old testament. Today? What gospel the disciples taught while Jesus was alive? ~ Back on the theme of understanding how Scripture's messages apply now. A combination of class in Chicago and that sermon while I was there.
25) White underparts, brown back and wings, speckled brn near throat, light beak with dark tip, light br ~ I don't know what this was. I should have recorded some size info too....
26) Elwa bridge, off of 101? heading to joyce ~ A place possibly to hunt for bats!
27) When it's a struggle to pray, it's a great time to praise.
28) Possible conduits of grace: marimba, church!, Service, food, reading; (no point in feeling guilty) ~ If for whatever reason praying is hard or reading scripture directly every day or journaling aren't helping you connect to God.... then they are not helping you connect to God. Try to find out what does help you connect, and use those conduits as much as you need to. Mix and match! combine! This was sort of the point of a chapel speaker this past semester. I thought his ideas were kind of interesting.
29) What is my passion? What matters to me? What do i love? ~ Worth pondering more, always.
30) What already keys me into the spirit? God never forms two people the same way. Different "conduits of grace" see #28. And #27.
31) John Ortman, "slowing." take the longest line [in the grocery store], drive behind the grandma (or paul). practice waiting. ~ Another idea one of the last chapel speakers slipped in.
32) King's way church in carlsborg? church with no reputation (time to change) ~ notes from conversation with the pastor here at Sequim Naz. KW church might have some young people I could go to Bible study with. The other is something he was talking about-- his church currently has no reputation in the Sequim community--good or bad. He mentioned this he thought was a great time to make changes in the way the church relates to its community--to build a reputation, for good, in a new way. I think the idea of a church's reputation (in a sense independent or at least separate from thoughts about individual members).
33) Watch?? ~ I want to buy one.
34) Starlings: 12345, glide for a second, 12345..... ~ It's how they fly.
35) Baggage claim, part 1, out the door, giant planes from the ceiling, door 00 ~ How to get to my hotel shuttle in Seattle airport!
36) 23? Form from library; dollars for seattle ~ Idk what the 23 is about. Other stuff is what i need to do the morning before i leave for Washington state! I don't really need this anymore...
So a lot of those are unnecessary. But there's a peek into the kind of things I hold on to! ... Yeah.
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