I've been moving around a lot over the past several months, so making friends has been a challenge I've had to confront repeatedly. Since coming to Panama, I've mostly been hanging out with the other ISA students--US students studying abroad in Panama for the semester. This is great, but I really want to reach outside this circle and make friends with other people too. The other ISA students like to go out to bars to hang out and meet people. I enjoy going out with them, but it definitely feels weird at times since I don't drink. As time went on I was starting to feel isolated. I began thinking-- even if I did manage to make new friends at a bar, they were going to be people who wanted to hang out at a bar (duh). So if, as I contend, that's not really my scene, why was I making it my primary social activity? The answer is of course "because that's what the others were doing." When I stopped and thought about it, I realized the obvious: if I want to make friends, I should start doing things I actually like doing.
With this simple change in perspective, I have begun to take note of what things I like, so I can make it a point to do them. For example, a few weeks ago, several of the other ISA students and I went wandering through the city, and found a number of street food carts. I started a language exchange with someone who lives in Ciudad del Saber (where my school is). This weekend, several of us went to a beach and hung out with a friend from FSU. On a hike in Gamboa, I made friends with the naturalists, and this weekend we are hoping to go bird watching at the famous Pipeline Road. I looked up meeting times for the local Audubon Society. And this past weekend I went on a beach clean-up and made a couple of new friends. And I started talking to a vegetarian blogger here in Panama, whom I hope to meet up with in a week or two.
Meanwhile I am growing excited for my return home (which is still several months away). I am excited and nervous about exploring the relationships I have in San Diego, figuring out how to engage in friendships outside of the bubble. But when I think of the people I have kept contact with during my time away, I realize the richness I have waiting for me.
But for now, it's time to make the most of my present, exploring and sharing with the people I meet here.
I love you, son!