Saturday, August 25, 2012

bienvenidos a Panamá

I have now arrived and begun to settle in Panamá.

The first day here was orientation, meeting the other students studying abroad with ISA (pronounced, as "ee-sa," by our program director Vanessa), and learning how to take a taxi (flag 'em down, ask the price for where you're headed, only hop in if it's a reasonable price). We also checked out Albrook Mall, the main mall (at least in our area).

My homestay is awesome. I live with my Señora, Mama Cachi (Casilda, or just Mami), and her son Ciro (a graphic designer, about eight years older than I am). Ciro's cousin Anita also lives with us (and another cousin is in and out). I share a room with another student, Raphael. The family also hosts a tourist's hotel on the first floor of the house, where travelers come and go.

Mama Cachi speaks only Spanish, but is very patient and happy to speak to us. She makes breakfast and dinner for us every day, and talks with us for as long as we like. Ciro speaks English and Spanish, but understands that we are trying to learn Spanish, and is very supportive, correcting us and speaking to us in Spanish as much as we speak to him in Spanish. He gives advice on how to make the most of our time in Panamá, and last night he took us out on the town and showed us places to hang out in Casco Viejo (Old Town Panamá City).

Today, seis of us went to la playa at Veracruz. We had a lot of fun! Raphael and I climbed on top of an island full of trees--it looked exactly like the lion-turtle island in Avatar: The Last Airbender! It was awesome.

Now it's late, and the neighbors are having a party. Looks like a lot of fun, but I am beat and ready to rest! But that'll have to wait until things quiet down a bit more.

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