Sunday, June 17, 2012

welcome to Sequim

I am now arrived and settled in Sequim, Washington (pronounced 'skwim').

Honestly everything about this experience has been wonderful so far. I came to this town after landing an internship at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a lab associated with the US Department of Energy and run by a non-profit (or not-for-profit?) company called Battelle.

I am renting a room in a house with a family here in Sequim, and from the moment I arrived they have been wonderfully welcoming. Kim, my host mom, is an awesome cook (like, seriously, she runs a restaurant and is an amazing chef), and gives me cooking (and cleaning!) tips, which are very helpful. Rick, her husband, has always made a point to talk with me when I get home or around the house, really making me feel welcome. And their daughter Maggie is really chill, the very first day taking me on a bike ride to the river to tromp through the mud. She has done a great job of helping me find things to do around town. Another student (well, a recent grad) from the Lab is living here as well. Caleb has been really fun to hang out with--we're currently watching through the Devil May Cry anime.... so much fun! Lastly, the dogs Fergie and Gwen are the most adorable little dachshunds, and they are very friendly once they're done "greeting" you when you walk in the door (with piercing yapping).

Work has been going really well so far. My boss is really fun, and my project (observing birds and bats!) is really fun, because I get to work outside for half the time. My coworkers have also been very welcoming, helping me around the office and hanging out at lunch. One of my new friends even invited me to a house concert! That was a lot of fun.

The town itself is simply charming. There's about 6,000 people in the town, one "main" street that has almost every store on it. There is a bike path leading almost the entire way to work, making it easy to ride to work.

Finally, Audubon has a center not far from where I'm living, so I have opportunity to visit them and learn as much about birds as I like!

Some photos:

Audubon has these adorable stuffed birds that make their actual bird call! Guess what the Baby's getting as his souvenir....

The view from work.

Welcome to Sequim. We have sushi in a barn.

One of my coworkers (seen on the back right) plays in a marimba band in Sequim! Apparently marimbas are a thing here in the Pacific Northwest. How cool is that?

I've always been one to support small business.

Awww, Gwen wants out again. Or something. You can never be sure what exactly she's asking for...

House concert by Noelle Johnson and her band. You can't see the mason jars from here, but the plaid should tell you they're around.

The Olympic mountains.

The lighthouse on Dungeness Spit. Who's that standing there on the tip?

Sorry for the kind of hollow tone. Now that I've gotten the location update taken care of, I can get back to thoughts or ideas the next time one of them strikes.

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